Saturday, May 20, 2006


The release of the movie adaptation of the DaVinci Code has created quite a stir among many religious leaders and followers. The book has stirred controversy since its release in 2003. The book and the movie are works of fiction. The author nor the makers of the film have ever said they were anything other than fiction. Why are the "faithful" afraid and nervous about this subject? It seems like anytime a thought or speculation surfaces that may be contrary to what the "committee" decided was suitable for the Bible (in the early 4th century) lots of people get nervous.

It's all an issue of faith

Decisions about which gospels and teachings to include (or exclude) in what ulimately became the Bible (the book with the most sales in history) were made by learned men about 1700 years ago and they have been worshiped, defended, fought over and believed in ever since. Media hype in this "modern" age shouldn't cause a faltering in the faith of true believers.

Here's a little quiz;

Which of the following are true or false?

a) A bush on the side of a road in the desert suddenly burst into flames as a sign from GOD
b) Two of every species of animal on earth voluntarily climbed into a giant Ark to ensure their survival.
c) A woman named Mary Magdalene had a child fathered by a man named Jesus.
d) The waters of a Sea parted on command from a man named Moses.
e) About 5,000 people were fed a meal from a basket containing two loaves of bread and one fish.
f) All of the above
g) none of the above

Your answers to the quiz are not as important as the "faith" you carry with you. You either have it or you don't and a movie called the DaVinci Code shouldn't make any difference either way.

Think about it......


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